Our Mission:
Supporting a Scotland where everyone’s creativity, curiosity and wellbeing are valued
A’ cumail taic ri Alba far a bheilear a’ cur luach anns a’ chruthachalachd, feòrachas agus sunnd aig gach neach
A’ cumail taic ri Alba far a bheilear a’ cur luach anns a’ chruthachalachd, feòrachas agus sunnd aig gach neach
What do we do?
The Science Ceilidh is an award-winning organisation connecting communities, research, culture and wellbeing.
We do this by supporting the trusted connectors - grassroots groups, librarians, youth workers, educators, and researchers - across Scotland to work together and be curious, get creative, build knowledge and networks, and action social change in their communities.
Get involved
Try some of our interdisciplinary activities developed from our eduction and community programmes - from making music with fractions, to exploring climate change through expressive arts, research summaries and our signature science and traditional dances combinations including the “Strip-the-Helix”
If you want to get involved in our community programmes, networks and/or funding, keep scrolling below!
Powerful things happen when we break down silos and hierarchies. Taking inspiration from the gaelic meaning of cèilidh - bringing people together - all our programmes actively link disciplines, sectors and levels - from grassroots to institutions.
Working as practitioners…
Supporting long-term community programmes including:
supporting New Scots in Edinburgh with Multicultural Family Base
youth groups from underprivileged backgrounds with our Curiosity Club
deliver interdisciplinary school programmes and training
exploring gaelic bilingualism & health & creativity & wellbeing with rural communities.
Working as capacity builders & connectors…
Convening networks to bring together those interested in:
young people and mental health through arts and through creative STEM
supporting equitable community-research partnerships around mental wellbeing and climate change
We also support participatory funding and peer networks for groups in the Highlands and Islands to lead community-based research projects around mental wellbeing and climate change, as well as provide bespoke training and free resources.
Working as system stewards…
Sharing our learning strategically to inform, train and consult with both national and international funders, programmes and policy to advocate for more equitable knowledge and cultural democracy in Scotland and beyond.
Find out more about specific projects below or get in touch!
Community Knowledge Matters
Community Knowledge Matters is a network bringing together people interested in community-led research shaping practice & policy change in mental health and wellbeing in the Highlands & Islands and beyond.
Singing Side By Side
Supporting an academic research and a community action research programme to develop a toolkit to support singing groups to be more mental health inclusive incorporating lived experiences with Universities of Derby, Sheffield, Glasgow and Edinburgh. You can download our free toolkit here.
New Scots Connect
Connecting New Scots with diverse migration and ethnic backgrounds to celebrate culture, skills and expertise in collaboration with the New Scots Steering Group, Multicultural Family Base, Scottish Refugee Council and the Welcoming including around engineering, hacking and play supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering.
Curiosity in Action
Curiosity In Action is a two-year programme building an evidence base, capacity and network in Scotland to explore the impact of STEM in youth work funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).
The Ideas Fund
Supporting 24 diverse community-researcher partnerships across the Highlands and Islands to explore mental wellbeing in partnership with the British Science Association, UHI Division of Rural Health & Wellbeing and other local stakeholders.
Le Cheile/
Exploring the role of libraries and culture to support connectedness and explore research around social isolation & wellbeing with Western Isles Libraries, UHI Division of Rural Health and Wellbeing and Carnegie Trust. Listen to our podcast in partnership with Fiona Rennie of Sradag Creative here.
Want to keep updated?
You can register of our mailing list here to keep updated with our latest news, resources and opportunities!
Highlands & Islands Communities Climate Network
Supporting a network of community groups to build relationships with researchers to support climate action. Find out more here.
Culture & Wellbeing Community Network Scotland
Connecting grassroots groups, artists, libraries, researchers & organisations to support more community-led and inclusive culture with the Scottish Libraries and Information Council, Fun Palaces and Eden Court. Join our Facebook group directly here.
Dementia Through Our Eyes
An interactive teacher resource for primary pupils to understand dementia through the voices and experience of people living with dementia developed by The Scottish Dementia Alumni.
We are currently part of the UK Creative Community Fellowship and network 2020-2021
Director Lewis was awarded JCI’s Top Outstanding Young Person for Scotland 2019 for contribution to culture
Voted Community Music Organisation of the Year with Hands Up For Trad 2018
Our science engagement was recognised with the RSE Public Engagement Innovator Medal in 2018.
Winner of the Social Award with Creative Edinburgh 2014
From Primary and High Schools across Scotland through our interdisciplinary programme from exploring music & wellbeing in Unst, Youth Music Initiative in East Lothian to STEAM activities in Dumfries & Galloway
Through our educator CLPL (CPD) including with teachers across Scotland, talks and public engagement training with Universities across Scotland and beyond including with the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Including through our funding programmes, Cultural Democracy research, Culture and Wellbeing community networks, and other programmes