Fun Palaces Scotland
“Culture Belongs To Everybody!”
Fun Palaces is a national campaign for community art, sciences and culture, this year falling around the weekend of the 5 and 6th October.
It believes in the power of radical Fun and celebrates grassroots events by and for the community, bringing them together under one banner for the Fun Palaces Weekend.
Find out more from this year:
Please Feel Free to join the Fun Palaces Scotland Facebook Group, Page and Wiki (Hackpad)
And connect with the national community here.
Tech Cube, Summerhall
Sat. 3rd October, 11.15 – 17.30
Musical Story-Telling, Squirrel conservation & making, pocket puppet workshops & more!
Ocean Terminal, Atrium
Sat. 3rd October, 11.00 – 15.00
Felt Making Workshops, Music & Science Busking
Old College Quadrangle
Sun. 4th October, 14.00 – 17.00
Circus skills, science of chocolate, maths installation, Castle Chorus choir
Southside Community Centre
Sun. 4th October
Workshop: 13.00 – 16.00 | Ceilidh: 19.00 – 22.30
*NOTE CHANGE OF TIME * Science Ceilidh Year of Light workshops from 1 - 4pm (free, open to all, register here
Fun Palaces Community Ceilidh in the evening Open to All!!