Midlothian Community Science Ceilidh

Lewis & Gary at Edinburgh International Science Festival, 2014. Photo: Chris Scott, 2014

Lewis & Gary at Edinburgh International Science Festival, 2014. Photo: Chris Scott, 2014

A big thank you to everyone who came to the event and the workshops and we look forward to making it bigger and better for our next Midlothian Community Science Ceilidh 2015 in October time!

If you want to get involved, please get in touch!

The evaluation for the 2014 event is available here (warning: large file)





We're very happy to announce we'll be running a Community Ceilidh with the Midlothian Science Festival on the 19th of October at Lasswade from 17.00 - 21.00. 

Tickets are £3.00, including a ceilidh supper of soup, sandwiches and snacks, and are available here

Returning to a traditional meaning of ceilidh, a "Gathering" where everyone has something to offer, we will be working with local youth groups to develop brand new biology and physiology inspired dances, poems and songs which will then be showcased and shared at the event!

Dances will include the Heart Circulation Circle inspired by Penicuik High School Science Club, and one based on the zombie brain inspired by Penicuik YMCA Theatre group, and will have an open-mic session for local musicians! 

Funded by the Physiological Society

Funded by the Physiological Society

Lewis recently got interviewed by the Herald about the project. 

It’s really quite basic science but it makes it accessible to everyone - if you can do the dance, you can do the science!”
— Herald Interview, July 2014

Would you like to get involved?

If you're a local group who wants to get involved with the event, please get in touch!

So far we have science clubs from local schools and the guides involved, but we're open to everyone! It will involve several sessions working with Lewis and with Science Ceilidh Band (who will come and visit the group) from late September to October and likely a session just before the event in the October holidays, but we're flexible and happy to talk through what might work best for the group. 

The interpretations of the biology and physiology concepts may take the form of a new dance, but can be anything - even a play has been suggested! There are also opportunities to get involved in the music and volunteering for the event. 

What's more, with your permission, we'll even have professional filming for the events and possibly some workshops, so there'll be a professional video of your hard work!