our muse additional support needs programme
We're committed to sharing science with everyone, no matter their age or ability. Through partnership with Midlothian Science Festival (MSF), we have been developing our MUSE programmes exploring creativity, science and arts for people with additional supports needs.
Beeslack Explorers club
Our Beeslack Explorers club was run in partnership with Midlothian Science Festival and a team of dedicated volunteers to build on this work and explore science at Beeslack Family Disabled Club.
Our aim was to support people with additional support needs and their families to actively explore the creativity and science around health & wellbeing, and incorporate activities that link life skills. The club met weekly at Beeslack High (excluding holidays - see their website for dates) with sessions including looking at music, the brain, microbiology and hygiene and plant and insect biology outdoors!
This project is funded by a grant awarded to MSF from the Darwin Trust, with in-kind support from Science Ceilidh.
Pupils and support staff at Saltersgate showing off the size of the their brains!!
This has included working closely with the science teacher Mr Stuart Ridley at Saltersgate School (Dalkeith) exploring topics from vibrations, music, DIY instruments, getting hands-on with brains and the body and understanding the differences in in animals with pupils, leading to sharing assembly for the whole school in 2015 and 2016 and follow-on visits in 2017.