Building Capacity for Community-Led Climate Change Research
A bespoke training programme designed to address common challenges for and barriers to communities leading research on climate change issue in the Highlands & Islands.
Navigating Challenging (Climate) Conversations
This training session was delivered by Kate Adams and Nadine Andrews from the Climate Psychology Alliance on 28th February 2024, as part of a bespoke capacity building programme for communities within the Highlands & Islands Climate Change Community-Research Network. This programme was delivered by Science Ceilidh and British Science Association, funded by UK Research and Innovation.
A recording of the training session can be viewed below, along with an accompanying worksheet designed by Science Ceilidh building on the activities included in the original training session.
About the training session
This training session explored approaches to building trust, and how we engage with people on sensitive topics, particularly around the climate and ecological crisis, navigating different beliefs, needs and priorities.
It built awareness of the range of responses, recognising when people feel discomfort or when defences are activated - including our own; identifying strategies for coping and resilience; and approaching others with compassion, especially those finding it difficult to engage. It considered strategies for de-escalation and looked briefly at safeguarding in challenging situations. The workshop also included short mindfulness practice exercises.
The activity worksheet and additional training resources are free to download for all members of the Community Knowledge Matters network. You can join the network here or get in touch here.
About the Training providers
The Climate Psychology Alliance (CPA)
The CPA offers a range of support including psychotherapeutic support for those affected by the climate crisis, support for young people and parents, and external talks, workshops and training underpinned by current research and shared experiences of facing the climate crisis together. Climate psychology is concerned with the emotions, social and mental processes contributing to the ecological and climate crisis, and our responses and processes of adaptation to it.
Dr Kate Adams is a member of the board for the Climate Psychology Alliance, a lecturer at the University of Salford, a performance maker, and a facilitator for climate cafes, talks and workshops.
Kate’s research is in the area of ecodramaturgy, arts/science engagement and climate psychology. She is lead artist for Water is Attracted to Water, an interdisciplinary project exploring our relationship to water and the challenges of being present with the climate and ecological crises. She aims to co-create shared spaces where difficult emotions such as grief, anger or fear can be placed in balance with our capacity for joy and our relationship with the natural world.
Dr Nadine Andrews works to help people live in deeper connection and harmony with nature. She is a mindfulness and nature connection coach/trainer and qualified mountain leader, former chair of Climate Psychology Alliance Scotland and a visiting researcher at the Pentland Centre for Sustainability in Business at Lancaster University.
Nadine works part-time in the Scottish Government in social research, systems thinking and organisational learning, and led the research on Scotland's Citizen's Assembly on climate change. Following a PhD in the psychology of pro-environmental behaviour, she worked in the science team of the IPCC technical support unit for Working Group II (impacts, vulnerability and adaptation) with a focus on social sciences and psychology for the Sixth Assessment Report.